Authorized Officer (AO) accesses the Electronic Construction Permitting System Portal using the URL and then clicking on “Login” button. Then AO will login to the system using his/her username and password. The authorized Officer receives the application for Construction Permit when Front desk assistant accepts the application. The authorized Officer will find the application in the Incoming section. Incoming files are sorted from Recent to Oldest. Also, there are some sub-folders as per AO’s action on the application. AO will have to click on the Application he wants to proceed with. As shown in Figure 1

Figure 1
A new pop-up window will appear when AO clicks on any incoming application. AO will have access to four different tabs Assignments, Attachments, Applicants’ Clarifications and History. AO will check all the available information of the application. AO can check applicant’s details information by clicking on the Applicant name link as shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1
After clicking on the link a pop-up will show up containing applicant’s details. AO user can close it by clicking on the “Close” button as shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2
AO can click on the project link to see the main project details as shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3
After clicking on the project link the project details window will pop-up as shown in the Figure 1.4. There the links to LUC of the same project can be found. And AO can click on it to check the details of the LUC.

Figure 1.4
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