To file an application, go to Electronic Construction Permitting System Portal using the URL and then click on “Login” button. Applicant then can login to the system using applicant’s username and password. After logging into the system successfully click on the “New Application” button as shown in the Figure: 1.

Figure 1. New Application
After clicking on “New Application” the following window will pop-up with the drop-down selection bar for “Application type” and some other information. Figure 2 shows the information.

Figure2. Application Type
Now applicant needs to select the type of application which he would like to file (Ex. Construction permit) and click on the “Next” button as shown in Figure 3.

Figure3. Selecting application type and clicking on “Next”
After clicking “Next” the applicant is prompted to another window containing land details as shown in Figure 4. Applicant needs to fill up accordingly and then click “Next”.

Figure4. Land plot details
After providing the Land plot details applicant is prompted to “Next” window containing construction project information (Figure 5). Applicant needs to fill the information accordingly and click “Next”.

Figure5. New Construction Project
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